How to Register Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)?
If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, adventurer, or sailor, having a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) is an essential safety measure. A PLB is a small, handheld device that emits a distress signal to search and rescue teams in the event of an emergency. It’s important to register your PLB device with appropriate authorities before using it. In this guide, we will guide you through the process of how to register personal locator beacon.
Step 1: Choose the Registration Authority
The first step in registering your PLB is to choose the registration authority in your country. In the United States, the authority is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In Canada, it’s the Canadian Beacon Registry. In Australia, it’s the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).
Visit the website of your registration authority to find out more about the registration process.
Step 2: Gather PLB Information
Before you can register your PLB, you’ll need to gather some information about it. This includes the make and model of your PLB,
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Beacon Hex ID/UIN
- Beacon Serial Number
- Beacon Manufacturer
- Beacon Model
- Name and phone numbers of at least one person who can act as a 24-hour emergency contact
- Name of the business or person who supplied the beacon to you
- Identify the primary use of your PLB, such as for hiking, boating, flying, or driving.
- If you plan to register a vessel, aircraft, or vehicle, be prepared to provide some identifying details about it, such as its registration number, make, and model. You can also upload photos of the vehicle to aid in search and rescue efforts, if needed.
- If you have any radio equipment that requires an MMSI number, you will need to provide information about the make, model, and serial number of the equipment. This will ensure that your radio and PLB are properly linked in the event of an emergency.
You can find the serial number and registration ID on the PLB itself or on the documentation that came with it.
Step 3: Fill Out the Registration Form
Fill the registration form on the authority website, after getting all necessary information. In form you will fill information such as
- Name
- Address
- Contact details
Step 4: Submit the Registration Form
Before submitting your registration form, you must double check it. If you see any mistake, then recheck it. Then, submit the form to the registration authority. They will process your registration and provide you with a unique registration ID that you should keep in a safe place.
Step 5: Test Your PLB
Once you’ve registered your PLB, it’s essential to test it to make sure it’s working correctly. For testing your PLB device must follow the manufacturer instructions. You can also test it with the registration authority to make sure they received your registration information.
Registering your PLB is a crucial step in ensuring your safety when exploring the great outdoors or sailing the high seas. Follow these easy steps of PLB registration and make sure you are safe in emergency situation.