How to Clean an Iron? Learn with 5 different methods

Ironing is an essential household chore for keeping clothes and linens looking their best. Over time, the bottom of iron can become burnt, sticky, or dirty even making it hard to get a smooth finish. Fortunately, with a few simple steps, you can clean your iron and restore its former glory. In this article, we will provide 5 easy to follow methods for cleaning your iron. We’ll cover how to clean the bottom of an iron, how to clean steam iron, and how to clean sticky iron. Keep reading to learn more about how to effectively clean your iron and get back to having perfectly pressed clothes.

How To Clean An Iron

5 Methods of Cleaning the Iron

Are you looking for an easy and effective way to clean your iron, you’re in luck! Here are five different methods you can try to keep your iron in top condition: using vinegar, salt, baking soda, paracetamol, and toothpaste. Each of these methods will help you to get rid of any dirt and residue that may have built up over time, restoring your iron to its former glory. So don’t wait, start cleaning your iron today and enjoy the results.

Here is the list of 5 different methods of cleaning an iron.

1. How to Clean Iron With Vinegar

When your iron begins to expel rusty water or has blocked steam vents, it usually means that the minerals found in your tap water have caused a build-up in the iron’s water reservoir, resulting in corrosion. This can lead to clogged steam vents and a discolored soleplate. Thankfully, you can clean your iron with vinegar to remove any residue on the soleplate and unclog the reservoir. This will help to restore your iron’s performance and extend its life. Before starting the steps of how to clean iron with vinegar, first take a look at what we items need for cleaning the iron.

Here is the list of all items which we need to clean iron with vinegar.

  • White vinegar
  • Water Cotton swabs or Q-tips
  • Clean cloth
  • Empty container
How to Clean Iron With Vinegar

Steps of Cleaning the Iron With Vinegar:

Follow these easy steps to clean your iron with vinegar:

Step 1: In an empty container, mix equal parts of water and vinegar to create a cleaning solution.

create a cleaning solution

Step 2: Turn on your iron to the highest temperature and allow it to heat for a few minutes.

Turn on your iron to the highest temperature

Step 3: When the iron becomes hot, turn off the iron and unplug it. Pour the vinegar and water solution into the iron’s water reservoir, filling it up halfway.

turn off the iron and unplug

Step 4: Activate the steam function and hold the iron above a sink or towel.

Activate the steam function

Step 5: Press the steam button several times until all the solution has been used up.

Step 6: If there is still vinegar and water solution left in the iron, fill the reservoir with clean water and repeat the steaming process until the water is gone.

Step 7: Dip a cotton swab or Q-tip in vinegar and use it to clean the soleplate of the iron, focusing on any areas with stubborn stains.

cotton swab to clean the soleplate

Step 8: Lastly, use a clean cloth to wipe down the iron soleplate to remove remaining vinegar.

use a clean cloth to wipe down

2. How to Clean Iron With Toothpaste?

If you’re looking to get your clothes looking crisp and fresh, cleaning your steam iron’s soleplate with toothpaste is a surprisingly effective solution. Toothpaste contains cleaning agents and abrasives that are designed to clean our teeth, making it perfect for cleaning your iron. Not only is toothpaste great for cleaning your iron, it’s also a cost-effective solution. So, next time you need to clean your iron, reach for the toothpaste. Follow the steps below to learn how to clean iron with toothpaste.

Required material list:

  • A tube of toothpaste (preferably a non-gel type)
  • A soft cloth or sponge
  • A bowl of warm water
  • A cotton swab or toothbrush
  • A dry towel
How to Clean Iron With Toothpaste

Steps of Cleaning Iron With Toothpaste:

The steps of cleaning an iron with toothpaste:

Step 1: After turning off and unplugging the iron, let it cool down completely before beginning the cleaning process.

Step 2: Place a small amount of toothpaste on a soft cloth or sponge.

toothpaste on a soft cloth

Step 3: Use gentle circular motions to rub the toothpaste onto the soleplate of the iron, covering the entire surface.

rub the toothpaste

Step 4: Dip a toothbrush into a bowl of warm water, using toothbrush to scrub away any stubborn stains or residue from the soleplate.

toothbrush to scrub away

Step 5: Use a damp cloth or sponge to thoroughly wipe off the toothpaste, making sure to remove all traces of it.

Step 6: Dry the soleplate with a dry towel.

Dry the soleplate with a dry towel

Safety Tips:

Cleaning your iron with toothpaste is a simple and effective way to keep it looking and working its best. Before you start, make sure your iron is turned off and unplugged. Never use abrasive cleaners or scrubbers and be careful not to get water inside the iron. Check the manufacturer’s instructions or contact customer service if you’re not sure whether toothpaste is safe to use on your particular iron. With these easy steps and safety tips, you’ll be able to quickly and easily remove dirt, stains, and residue from your iron’s soleplate and enjoy improved ironing results.

3. How to Clean Iron With Salt?

Cleaning your iron regularly is important to keep it running efficiently. Fortunately, an easy and affordable way to do this is to use salt. With just a little bit of salt and some simple techniques, you will have your iron looking and performing like the brand new in no time. In this article, we’ll show you how to clean iron with salt in just a few simple steps.

How To Clean Iron With Salt

Here’s the list of materials you’ll need in the process of cleaning an iron with salt:

  • Salt
  • Water
  • Soft cloth 
  • Cotton swabs 
  • Newspaper or paper towel

Process of Cleaning an Iron with Salt:

Follow these steps to make sure your iron is clean and working properly.

1. Turn on your iron and set full settings.

Turn on your iron and set full settings

2. Before cleaning your iron, Let it full hot.

3. Put salt onto a newspaper or paper towel.

Put salt onto a newspaper or paper towel

4. Now rub your iron on the newspaper.

5. Rub the iron on the newspaper for a few minutes, especially from those areas which are more affected.

Rub the iron on the newspaper

6. Use a clean damp cloth to wipe off the salt residue from the iron.

Use a clean damp cloth to wipe

7. After cleaning the iron with cloth, fill the water into an iron water tank and turn on the iron on steam mode.

8. With this process the salt will disappear from iron.

4. How to Clean Iron With Baking Soda

Clean your iron’s soleplate easily and safely with baking soda. Baking soda’s mild alkaline properties make it a great cleaning tool, as it is able to break down dirt and grime at a molecular level. You may still need to do some scrubbing, but this method is much gentler than other cleaning methods and it reduces the risk of damaging your iron’s soleplate. Baking soda is especially effective at removing oil and plastic-based grime, such as melted fabric, but it may not be as effective in removing rust or other severe forms of damage. We’ll show you how to clean iron with baking soda in just a few simple steps.

How To Clean Iron With Baking Soda

Required material list for cleaning iron with baking soda:

To clean an iron with baking soda, you will need the following materials:

  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • A clean cloth or paper towel
  • Cotton swabs
  • A bowl

Steps of Cleaning an Iron With Baking Soda:

Follow these steps of cleaning your iron with baking soda.

1. Turn on your iron and set maximum heat.

2. Make baking soda and water mixture in a bowl.

Make baking soda and water mixture

3. Collect your mixture with a paper towel and rub it on the soleplate of your iron.

Collect your mixture with a paper towel

4. Rub the paper towel with mixture until the soleplate will clean.

Rub the paper towel with mixture

5. After 2 or 3 minutes of rubbing the mixture, the stains of iron will be removed automatically.

6. Now clean the soleplate with a dry clean cloth.

7. Use cotton swabs for removing baking soda mixture from the steam holes of iron.

cotton swab to clean the soleplate

8. If you see your iron soleplate is still dirty then repeat this process.

9. Use distilled white vinegar instead of water for making the mixture, in case of tougher stains.

5. How to Clean Iron With Paracetamol

Clean your iron soleplate quickly, easily and effectively with Paracetamol. This common pain relief and fever tablet is surprisingly effective for cleaning your iron. To use it, simply rub the paracetamol tablet against a hot soleplate, and watch as the dirt and stains melt away. With this simple method, you can have your iron looking and working like new in no time.

How To Clean Iron With Paracetamol

Required material list:

To clean iron with paracetamol, you will need the following materials:

  • Paracetamol tablets (the number depends on the size of iron).
  • Clean, dry cloth.
  • Tweezers.

Steps of How to Clean an Iron Soleplate with Paracetamol:

To clean an iron soleplate with paracetamol, you just need to follow these steps.

1. Turn on iron.

2. Let your iron heat up to a high temperature.

Let your iron heat up to a high temperature

3. When your iron is hot. Unplug your iron.

4. For safety use tweezers for holding the paracetamol.

5. Now rub the paracetamol with tweezers on the iron soleplate.

rub the paracetamol with tweezers

6. Continue this process until the stains are gone.

7. When the iron stains will be removed, now is the time to clean the paracetamol from the iron soleplate with a clean cloth.

By following these simple steps, you can easily clean your iron with paracetamol.

Note: Always clean iron in a safe way, don’t use any dangerous method for cleaning it.


You can use all these methods for cleaning the bottom of an iron, cleaning the steam iron and cleaning the sticky iron. All the five methods are safe, no one is dangerous. Don’t forget to unplug the iron, always use gloves on hand for saving yourself from any damage. By following these methods, you can easily clean your iron.